3 Superstar who should turn heel after Money in the Bank 2019

#1. AJ Styles.

   So it all set for Styles and Rollins at Money in the Bank for Universal Championship. Although face vs face matches are very nice but if Styles turn heel it makes sense because most of the WWE Universe want to see Styles as heel not as face.

    And if Styles turn heel it will make his rivalry with Rollins longer and it possibly good thing for all. After all Luke gallows and Carl Anderson can demand release from WWE so it will be good to use AJ and Gallows and Anderson together for turn heel and get it's benefits in the form of viewership.

    Although Seth can also turn heel but it won't be a good idea at this point of time. So if Styles turn heel then it will be a fantastic idea for WWE.

     So this is my list tell me about your one in comment and follow this site and follow us on social media.


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