WWE : 3 shocking things that could be happen at SuperShowdown

#1. Undertaker vs Goldberg ends with clear Victory.

   Now both Goldberg and Undertaker are very important superstar in WWE history and also important for Vince as Undertaker wins 21 WrestleMania match consecutively and Goldberg beats Brock who is most prior for Vince in just one and half minutes.

  It won't matter who wins but the thing matter is how as both superstar are very important for Vince and both are face so no one will cheat and if anyone of them wins by clear pin or tap out then probably it won't be good for next one fade out is also one way to end the match but no one know it will happen or not.

  In this match there are many possibilities also maybe some one returns but as both superstar probably comes for only one appearance then probably the match will end with clear Victory. Then, the question is who will win? Well we don't have the answer for it now but we going to have it on this Friday.

   Now, what do you think about this match? And who do think gonna win this match tell me in the comments section and follow us on social media platforms especially on YouTube. Until next time Guys from UnderWrestling. Will see you later.


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